Pennsylvania whistleblowers, watch out for signs of retaliation

On Behalf of | Mar 2, 2021 | Employment Law |

Blowing the whistle on unlawful and unethical workplace behaviors is a powerful tool against corruption. In a way, whistleblowers are the conscience of the workforce. They stand against corruption for others by showing people how to be fearless in the face of wrongdoing. Their disclosures can also help prevent financial and reputational damage for companies.

Unfortunately, far too many whistleblowers in the Pittsburgh region face retaliation for their attempts to right a wrong. Often, whistleblowers feel that something is not right about their treatment in the workplace, but they may struggle to identify what counts as retaliation.

Retaliation is not always obvious

Retaliation may not be blatant, which can make it hard to identify. After blowing the whistle, if you experienced the following behaviors, it might be time to seek assistance from an employment law attorney:

  • Hostility from superiors and sometimes co-workers
  • Exclusion from work-related events and projects
  • Unusual changes in work hours or shift schedules
  • Denial of a deserved employment promotion or raise

If you are still uncertain about your circumstances, consider learning more about retaliation or ask for help investigating your work situation.

When retaliation is clear

Remember that retaliation can also be quite flagrant. For example, if your employer attempts to terminate you for speaking out, that’s obvious retaliation. In another example, your boss subjects you to a barrage of verbal abuse or outright threats. In some cases, your superiors may even try to spread rumors about you or your family to get revenge.

Whistleblowers enjoy federal protection, which means that the retaliatory actions discussed above (and many others) are unlawful. An employment law professional can aid you in finding a solution to whistleblower retaliation in your workplace.