Discrimination at college? Collect strong evidence to make a case

On Behalf of | Jan 28, 2021 | Education Law |

Your child works hard to get good grades in college. They have put forward as much effort as possible, seeking out tutoring and assistance from their professors. Despite that, their grades are not reflecting the hard work put in. If your child confided in you about unfair treatment and disparaging remarks by teachers or staff, you may wonder if your child is the subject of discrimination.

What can you do about discrimination at school?

Discrimination is against the law in schools and universities when discrimination is based on a student’s national origin, sex, race, or color. Students all need to receive equal opportunities and support from the school administration. 

If you want to prove that discrimination is taking place, start collecting evidence. Has your child’s work been given a low score when another student with poor work received high marks? Has someone else witnessed a teacher or school administrator making racist or sexist comments toward your student? Are there emails or other messages that should be saved?

Have you already raised the issue with the school?

Most schools have a process where students or their parents can register complaints about mistreatment. If your pleas have fallen on deaf ears, it’s time to make use of the information you collected about what was done — and what wasn’t done — to address the problems.

It is never acceptable for a school or its staff to single out a child and discriminate against them. They deserve to attend school in a welcoming environment. An experienced advocate can help you better understand what it takes to enforce your legal rights.